Sunday 18 October 2009

The Project

is a many faceted concept that embodies a system of shared knowledge, beliefs, values, language, behaviours, attitudes, symbols, geography; that has a past, a present, and is both susceptible to modification and hopeful of a future. It can be metaphysical in belief, values and knowledge; physical in terms of geography and symbols; or aesthetic in terms of the Arts or Fashion. In short; it is the dynamic Mankind creates.

Our Continent – Our Culture (OC-OC)
will treat of the various ways Europeans have contributed, and are contributing, to the composite culture of Europe. The Partnership will address European culture with a focus on that of partner countries. Language learning, identity, active citizenship, European cohesion and understanding together with intergenerational linking and communication technology. The Action will dovetail with both specific and operational objectives of Grundtvig: specific in that the partnership intends to respond to the educational challenges of an ageing population in Europe and help adults with pathways to improving their knowledge and competences; operational - to improve the quality and accessibility of mobility throughout Europe of individuals involved in adult education, assist older people to access education, facilitate the transfer of innovative practices in adult education and support ICT based content for learners within the partnership.